Are you living with a spouse who loves hoarding? We are not talking about living with someone who wants to clutter or untidy a home but someone who simply cannot throw away or discard anything from newspapers, bottles, soda cans, magazines, stray animals, etc. Living with someone who suffers from hoarding disease can be very difficult. You may have already decided that you can no longer cope with this way of life and want a divorce, in which case you should contact a divorce specialist like Lloyd Platt & Co, but if you believe your marriage is worth fighting for, there are other options to consider:
Suggestion 1
Getting a cleaning company into your home is one option but the habit of hoarding won’t go away unless there is a therapist or psychologist involved. Medical intervention will work but it will take time, question is can you wait. The cost of cleaning up a hoarded home can be expensive and whilst it is an option, no sooner will it be a mess again. Can you live like this is another question . you need to ask yourself, clean, mess, clean mess and more!
Suggestion 2
Sending your spouse to therapy away from home is another while you clean up. There is a cost associated with this and who knows what will happen when they return. It most certainly is an option that you live on your own for a bit, the spouse gets help and you clean it up, perhaps renovate, re-decorate and welcome a new home. This is a possibility of course! But it is the same home and as the saying goes “familiarity breeds contempt”. You might find yourself in the same situation and perhaps contemplating divorce? You may want to seek legal counsel from a law firm similar to Peter & May – to learn more go to site …
Suggestion 3
Have you considered just selling your home, cashing out and moving on to a different home altogether? Giving your relationship a new environment, a fresh new start, of course with therapy and a clean new slate? Of course, it is not our place to make decisions for you – you may still end up requiring the services of Divorce Lawyers regardless of whether you give it a shot or not – but cashing out can offer huge benefits:
- Firstly you get cash within 10 days
- Secondly you move on, no cleaning required. Invest the cash into therapy and much more e.g. a new home
- Third and last of all, you don’t have to deal with the mess! If your spouse has been hoarding stray animals, you don’t have to deal with the animals, the stench of urine, etc.
At we are here to help families deal with hoarding disease but taking away the stress. Giving a new lease on life for the hoarder, the family members of the hoarder and much more. If you are contemplating divorce, why not try this option first – sell up, cash out and start afresh. If it does end up in divorce, and you want to cash out fast, we are here too! You should look into getting a divorce attorney as well to make sure it goes as smoothly as you can do, viewing this site here might be of help to you. But we like happy endings!