Children of Hoarders is a dedicated blog, written in support of children who are fighting to get their parents out of a life-threatening situation. At, our mission is to help communities and children of hoarders to move on with their lives.
Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird once said:
You can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family, an’ they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge ‘em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you don’t.
After writing blogs about heirs dealing with estates, children of hoarders started to surface with so much to tell, so much pain and embarrassment, because they weren’t able to control their living conditions.
Physiological Well-Being
Children of hoarders live desperately challenging childhoods because they often don’t like where they live. Moslow’s hierarchy of needs names physiological needs as the primary driver in a person’s motivation to live, and if these children don’t have this need met, how much do they struggle?
Some children can’t even enter their own homes because their mother or father are serious hoarders and have things piled up in every room from floor to ceiling.
Their bedrooms are usually a mess, not because of them, but because their parent uses their room for their never-ending storage requirements. The bed is the only thing visible, with ruffled sheets that stink of body odor or urine or feces from the large number of stray animals wandering throughout the house.
Forget the desk where homework gets done; there isn’t any clear space in the house! Sleepovers are a huge NO because of the sheer embarrassment and the fear of being the subject of name-calling and bullies at school.
Why Parents Hoard
Unfortunately, the hoarding parent doesn’t see the negative effect they have on their child(ren). They need to keep hoarding because their mind tells them that’s what they have to do.
In recent years, hoarding has been declared a mental health disorder, affecting 2 to 5% of the US population. Oftentimes hoarders are lost in how to handle their lifestyle because their living conditions are so bad. Most risk fires and slip and falls, and an influx of pests, including fleas, mosquitoes, rats, and mice, run wild, not only affecting them but the surrounding neighborhood. For these reasons and more, the health of the inhabitants is at risk. If you know someone that hoards, and you’re thinking about helping them, maybe initially move their items to a storage facility, instead of getting rid of it totally straight away, with help of services such as Dublin City Self Storage. Now, how do you make sure that the storage facility (maybe garage) that you choose is maintained properly without any wear and tear? And if at all there’s some issue, like say the door is stuck, whom do you consult? This is when you’ll need the help of Commercial Door and Gate Operators – Industrial Door Company and other similar firms.
911 for Children of Hoarders
Children of hoarders have options to get help, but understandably it’s hard to call law enforcement on your parent(s), knowing that there could be jail time or fines involved. So children avoid calling. When they grow up and leave home, not surprisingly, they tend to create a spotless living environment for themselves, or some revert to being hoarders themselves as they don’t know any better.
This blog addresses more loving, caring, and constructive options for the children of hoarders. For example, you can get in touch with us so that your house can be sold for cash.
Why is this important? Because children of hoarders want to see their parent(s) get the help they need, perhaps from a therapist, psychiatrist or hoarding mental health expert. Cashing out with our help has so many life changing and positive outcomes, including:
- We buy the house “AS-IS” meaning as distressed, cluttered or hoarded as it is, you do ZERO cleaning; simply pack the essentials and get the parent into an assisted living facility or rehab center.
- Use the cash to save for the future. When mom or dad are healthy again, invest in a new property for them, but set rules, monitor them, and if need be, keep the therapist involved until you see a change.
We welcome calls from the children of hoarders any time; we’re focused on buying hoarded homes in Southern California and will provide you with an estimated cash-buying price.
We can help; just complete this form to get started today.
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